We have three member nominated trustee vacancies opening soon. Visit our new webpages to learn more about how it all works and how you could get involved.
We are holding our next in-person Member’s Open Meeting on Thursday 30th October 2025 at Drax power station in North Yorkshire. It is an opportunity to hear directly from the Group Trustees about topics affecting the RWE Group and to have your questions answered. Lunch will be provided.
Registration details will be provided next year, but please put a placeholder in your diaries now. We need enough people to register for this to go ahead and would be keen to see members attend.
The meeting, held on Wednesday 6 November, was presented by the Chair of the RWE Group Trustees, Alan Robinson, and supported by two Member Nominated Trustees (Neil Edwards and Nic Rigby) and representatives of the company (Steve Duffy, HR Director UK RWE Generation UK PLC and Sarah Goddard RWE Generation SE HR Operations UK).
The presentation covered developments in 2023/24, a review of the year including the Group Trustees’ activities, the investment performance and the financial condition of the RWE Group.
You can watch a recording of the meeting online.
The ESPS General Meeting was held on 19 November 2024, again by virtual means. The topics covered included a report from the Chair of the Electricity Pensions Trustee Limited, current pensions issues relevant to the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS), legal issues and investment matters presented by advisers to the ESPS. There was also a presentation on the ESPS statement of accounts ended 31 March 2024. A number of resolutions were considered.
Further information will be available in the next edition of Pensions Plus.